Contact JULIE Before you Dig for Gardening

Four Spring Planting Tips To Enhance Your Landscape

Four Spring Planting Tips To Enhance Your Landscape If you have spring fever after a long Illinois winter, you’re not alone. One of the easiest…

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JULIE Before You Dig

Eight Fall Lawn And Garden Cleanup Tips

Eight Fall Lawn And Garden Cleanup Tips You work all summer to maintain a healthy lawn and keep your garden in bloom. Autumn is no…

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JULIE Before Digging Landscaping

Take Advantage Of Falling Temps To Spruce Up Your Landscaping

Take Advantage Of Falling Temps To Spruce Up Your Landscaping Just because the days are growing shorter—and colder—doesn’t mean you can’t still spend time outdoors…

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Handy Toolkits Make It Easy To Promote Safe Digging


Handy Toolkits Make It Easy To Promote Safe Digging With resources ready to download and share, JULIE’s toolkits allow you to access information quickly and…

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