Virtual Tool Box Talks

Virtual Toolbox Talks

Virtual Tool Box Talks Training Credit Hour Information Virtual Toolbox Talks have been approved for IEPA Water and Wastewater training credit hours. Professional Development Hours…

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remark request

Pre-Mark Your Project

Pre-Mark Your Project State law requires excavators to pre-mark the dig site when practical. Pre-marking is the process of marking the dig area with white…

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Handy Toolkits Make It Easy To Promote Safe Digging


Handy Toolkits Make It Easy To Promote Safe Digging With resources ready to download and share, JULIE’s toolkits allow you to access information quickly and…

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Marking Products

Marking Guidelines

Marking Guidelines For Members Statewide Marking Guidelines for Underground Line Owners                          Download Guidelines Following are statewide marking guidelines: The width of each mark should be…

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Holiday Schedule

Holiday Schedule

Holiday Schedule There are seven major holidays recognized by JULIE members. The JULIE Call Center will receive and process your locate requests on these holidays,…

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Markings And Colors

Color Code

Underground Utility Line Color Codes And What They Represent If you’ve noticed different colored paint marks or flags on your job site…they’re utility marking paint…

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Private Lines and Contract Locators

Private Lines and Contract Locators

Private Underground Lines Excavators Operators of underground lines only locate the buried lines that they operate and/or maintain. They do not locate private underground lines…

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Damage Prevention Managers

Damage Prevention Managers

Damage Prevention Managers These managers can offer suggestions and mediate discussions to help you avoid potential injuries and costly delays. If it has been a…

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Private Lines and Contract Locators

Private Lines and Contract Locators

Private Lines and Contract Locators Operators of underground lines only locate the buried lines that they operate and/or maintain. They do not locate private underground…

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How Do You Dig Carefully Within The Tolerance Zone

Tolerance Zone

How Do You Dig Carefully Within The Tolerance Zone? Locating an underground utility line is not an exact science. Colored markings and flags indicate the…

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